Saturday, December 17, 2011

Welcome to OUR blog!!

Hay Guys
And welcome to me and Xaki's new blog! We both live in New Zealand and have teamed up and put our skills together and made an AWESOME blog heres a bit about me

Hay guys!
My name is Jordy I have been playing Pandanda since 2009 But my Panda got hacked so I made a new one which is called jordy456. I love to blog and play Pandanda and chat to my friends. In my spare time I like to play on my iPod Touch or go around to my friends and hang out there. Well I hope to see you on Pandanda now I hand you over to my good friend Xaki.
You can also view my OWN Pandanda blog here:

Thanks Jordy!
Hey Guys, I am Xaki and I have also been playing Pandanda since March 2010 . I started on my first ever account JustJax which I played for a while but then I suddenly got a little bored. I then stopped playing Pandanda and moved onto a new game. A few weeks ago I was bored and started looking for a virtual world. I looked all over and suddenly found Pandanda. I made my account Xaki and got a membership. But suddenly I remembered about JustJax but already had a membership on Xaki so I just decided to stay on Xaki. In my spare time I like to play with my dog and go swimming.
You can view my blog here:
And my YouTube channel here:

So please keep an eye on our blog for new posts and updates! Until then see yah!

~Xaki & Jordy